ChamberMaster Template Shopping: Candy, Sweets & Treats go Results Found: 5 Button group with nested dropdown Country Store of Eagle River Country Store of Eagle River 116 E. Wall Street Eagle River WI 54521 (715) 479-9226 Minocqua Popcorn & Puffs Minocqua Popcorn & Puffs 102 East Wall Street Eagle River WI 54521 (715) 614-3132 Pink Flamingo Apothecary Pink Flamingo Apothecary Eagle River WI 54521 Pirates Hideaway LLC Pirates Hideaway LLC 1998 Highway 45 North Eagle River WI 54521 (715) 479-6756 Tremblay's Sweet Shop Tremblay's Sweet Shop 119 E. Wall St. Eagle River WI 54521 (715) 479-8488